I have kept my keyboard quiet about politics, for I am not a political person. But now, I have to say that I am proud of my family and my country. I know many of my friends have strong opinions that differ from mine. I respect their opinions and their motivations. I know they are just as upset, and possibly as fearful today as I was four and eight years ago.
When I was a baby (1964), my father, a young pastor, went to Mississippi to help register black voters. It was a time filled with danger and hope. I can imagine my mother, home with three little ones, 4,2, and New, worrying about her husband's safety, praying for his work to be successful. My father, the most compassionate person I know, certainly faced challenges during his work that summer. But those challenges were nothing compared to what black Americans had been through all their lives.
Clearly, Obama's election is the culmination of the work of generations of Americans. I am proud of the sacrifices my parents made, and the principles they instilled in their children.
This year, our family had two new presidential voters. As the kids grew, they did a good job listening to both parents (we are, generally, a house divided politically). They have formed their own opinions and have thought through their positions. We are proud of their careful considerations of the issues that are important to them, the country, and the earth.
I am proud of my husband, who thoughtfully and carefully chose the candidate he felt is best suited to tackle the enormous job of president. In this case, it meant not choosing a fellow alum from the Naval Academy, a military veteran, a conservative.
I am excited that children with disabilities will have more opportunities thanks to fully funding the IDEA. I am ecstatic that there will more healthcare insurance opportunities to families that desperately need them.
I am thrilled that the environment and energy will be getting attention!
I am proud of America, for all those who voted their convictions.
I am excited to do my part to help heal this country.
I am not an eloquent writer, but I have an online acquaintance who is. Nicole is a mother to four young girls, and she has strong faith and a strong sense of purpose. Over the past few months, I have been reading her posts about politics and each time come away feeling that she has put in words exactly how I think and feel. If you're curious, go visit her! Here's a link to her political posts, but don't forget to dig a little further so you can see her daughters--they are all beautiful children, but, of course, my heart lies with her daughter Tarenne, who has Down syndrome.
Hannah has been pseudo-following the campaigns (mostly from reading the newspaper headlines--ouch!). She decided early on that she was for Obama. She had her own little celebration in bed last night....
Today we all have political hang-overs of sorts...too much politics and not enough sleep!
"'A house divided against itself cannot stand.' I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided."
Ironic how we finished up Lincoln in Ethics on Monday!
Beth, I admit I was not following the U.S. election as well as I should have, but I was quite sure Americans were not ready for a black president. I was fully suprised and pleased to see Barak Obama get in as the next President.
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