After much harassment encouragement, I entered the blogosphere to document the delightful (or otherwise) and unexpected moments of my younger daughter's life. Hannah was born in 1998. She surprised us with her extra chromosome, and continues to surprise us with her humor, intellect and obstinacy. She takes our breath away. As my elder daughter once wrote, when Hannah was born, our family went from ordinary to extraordinary.
February 24, 2010
NanTalk Triple Play
February 23, 2010
Save me.
Teenager-hood is right around the corner.
Attitude is arriving.
Evidence: Hannah procrastinating taking her shower tonight. She made up some story about the bathroom being too scary and TikTok (from the Wizard of Oz books) was going to get her.
Me: You'd better stop pretending and get moving.
H: There IS something scary in the bathroom.
Me, sternly: There isn't anything scary in the whole house.
H: Yes there is. It's YOU when you're mad.
Follow up to the Follow up
February 21, 2010
Follow up to the R-word
February 18, 2010
Yes, another Blogger with an R-word story. How timely!
February 14, 2010
February 13, 2010
A Little Bit of Homeschooling
Hannah is pondering her purchases.
We also have been making Valentines, baking, going to a new swimming teacher, piano lessons, drama, Pottery class (new this week!), yoga, library, going to Special Olympics swimming for the first time, playing in the snow (it will never melt...we got another inch yesterday), watching the Olympics and battling the new medical insurance for coverage for Hannah's CPAP.
p.s. Argh at Blogger's formatting!
February 7, 2010
Precious--the movie
February 5, 2010
Those are Tasty
*Forgive the screwy color, fonts and formatting. Sometimes Blogger is such a pain. **
Hannah loves to read cookbooks. Especially children's cookbooks (thank you, public library!).
She will read through an entire 200 page cookbook, remarking "Those are tasty" for each recipe, even when it isn't appropriate.
Like this:
H: Ooh, look at this! How to make Butter! Those are tasty!
H: Cinnamon Applesauce! Yum, those are tasty!
The phrase is soooo overused that we have moved past being irritated. We are forever resigned to having those tasty things. We all frequently use the phrase improperly. Dress shopping? Those are Tasty. Time to fuel up the car? Those are Tasty. A cute dog in a passing pick-up truck? Those are Tasty.
So here's today's Those Are Tasty. Perfect for a snowy day.
Usually we make letter pretzels, but it's getting close to Valentine's Day. Nan did half of these, and I did the rest (this is pan #1... pan #2 wasn't quite so crowded!).
1.5 cups warm water
2. Stir in sugar and salt. Add in flour and knead dough until smooth and elastic. (Don't put in all the flour--save out 1/2 cup or so, and add in as necessary to keep it from being too sticky.)
3. Let rise 30 minutes (or more)
B. Create a soda water bath for the dough
2 cups warm water
2 Tbl baking soda
When dough has risen, cut in half (wrap one half to keep moist). Pinch or cut off a chunk of dough and roll into a long rope (1/2 inch or less) and shape.
Dip pretzels into soda solution and place on greased baking sheet.
Allow to rise again (not too long--usually they are ready by the time I've filled the cookie sheet).
Bake at 450 for 8-10 minutes or until golden.
Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with coarse salt.
(Alternately, you could dip the pretzel into melted butter on both sides and then dip into cinnamon sugar. We never do this.)
NOTE: These are best warm out of the oven. If they cool off, just zap them for 10 seconds or so. They need to be eaten quickly or they taste dead. The salt will melt away within 24 hours. So share with neighbors and friends right away. (We gave half of these to our next door neighbors that we don't like. Dang we're nice.)
By the numbers
3 new friends, emigrated from Cameroon, coming to visit today if the snow holds off--I'm excited to meet this homeschooling family whose 14 year old has Down syndrome!