November 17, 2009

On Her Own...

Yesterday Hannah had her 6 month check-up at our family dentist. She did fine, as usual (we spent several years brainwashing her when she was little, so she really likes the dentist now). The dentist did find a cavity though. Hannah has deep fissures in her back teeth, and they are perfect places for cavities to grow. All of her molars have sealants, but her bicuspids don't. This cavity was in her right top bicuspid.

On our way home we talked about what a cavity is, how it grows and how to remove it. I told her about the shot, and the noises she'd hear from the tools the doctor would use, and how they'd feel in her mouth.

So this morning we went back for the filling (and getting sealants on her 12-year molars). We were in the waiting room for a bit, then the assistant came to get Hannah. I have always gone with her in the past, but lately I've given her the option of going alone. Today she decided to go by herself!

I sat in the waiting room eavesdropping (it's a small office). I heard her chatting about Narnia, so I knew she was comfortable (I've been reading The Magician's Nephew to her). Then all was quiet. So I went to take a peek. She was just getting her shot. I couldn't see her head, but her hands were relaxed and calm (I always have white knuckles when I get dental shots or drilling). She remained calm through the entire procedure! The staff could barely believe it (me too!). She came out happy, without any stress at all.

My favorite part was when we were driving home. She was being silly--her mouth felt funny from the numbing medicine. She said, "Hey! DumDum! Give me some Numb Numb!!!" (If you've never seen the movie Night at the Museum, this won't make sense.)


Soon after we got home, Kate called from Jordan! Yay! She was traveling near Petra over the weekend, so she couldn't call until today. She sounded great! She is tiring of pita and hummus. And she will be switching host families. Her new family does not have hot water...hmmm. We'll see how that works out! But she only has a month left of training.

Tomorrow her group will be meeting the US Ambassador. She is excited about that. I told her that if the Ambassador isn't prompt enough she should say, "If this is a consular building, then WHERE is the Ambassador???" (a la Star Wars).

She feels like she's been away for six months, but it's been just less than a month!

She has had the opportunity to meet with other Peace Corps Volunteers who have been in Jordan for a year or more. This weekend she went to visit a volunteer who helps young adult women with disabilities with job training. They are sewing and knitting. Kate commissioned a knitted hat for Hannah, made by a woman with Down syndrome!

Last week she got to go to a field day to meet some students in another area of Jordan--she was happy to be with her peeps!

I'm sure once she gets through her training she is going to have so much fun with her students!


Tina said...

Brave Hannah, she did great at the dentist. Kate looks like she is having a great learning experience in Jordan. You have 2 amazing daughters!!

Monica Crumley said...

Yay, Hannah. That's potentially scary for any kid! We need to get John Michael to the dentist, but I know it'll be a challenge since he HATES with a vengeance having his teeth brushed. The dentist said that most kids she sees w/ Ds take about 3 years to get used to the idea. Oh, boy... As for Kate, so exciting. What an adventurous spirit doing good in another part of the world.

Beverly said...

Wow, what a great job Hannah! You have one brave girl!